Friday 31 May 2013

Keep it down!

Was pretty hard at work on this one for the last few days! It took me a while - i don't seem to like to make things easy for myself. (I actually have a sore on my finger from gripping the pen for so long haha!). I'm pretty happy with it though! It actually started off as me trying to redraw the old 'Fox and Hound' drawing in pen, but then i just kept adding to it (If you know the drawing im talking of, you'll perhaps notice the familiar composition...). Cool. (Just in the standard fine liner, about 57x50cm). Please enjoy~


Sunday 26 May 2013


I tried this out with ink to fill out the suits - i think i'll keep playing with it. I wasn't %100 happy with it, but anyway. My favourite is the rooster. 


Wednesday 22 May 2013

Inspiration Wednesday (Episode #1)

Having done a major in conceptual design, i am used to scouring books, the net and my lecturer's brains to find new inspiration for projects. We used to do 5 week projects which required us to create a (very detailed) visual diary documenting all ideas and research. Doing this helped me in a lot of respects because not only did my ideas develop, but i discovered A LOT of new artists doing things i'd never thought of in my wildest dreams. I thought it might be a good idea for me to share them every now and then.

Collage was one of my favourite ways to give form to some of the concepts i had in my head that i was unable to draw straight away. It's a really fun and easy way to work as there isn't really a right or wrong way to go about it - i recommend it to any artist out there trying to find their feet. The following works are by artist 'John Stezaker'. You can view more of his work via Saatchi gallery - I enjoy these for their wit, simplicity and for their ability to corrupt the space of each other. Please enjoy~


Tuesday 21 May 2013


Hello friend.
I'm hopeless at blogging. However, i feel after bombarding my facebook and instagram "friends" constantly with these new drawings that i seem to churn out like a jet ink printer, it may be a good idea to find another location to post these beasts. So here it is.

...Well,  I hope this has been an enjoyable intro... (Though not as enjoyable as the one by the xx). (I wish).
