Saturday 31 August 2013


It doesn't feel like winter anymore, which is lovely. And i haven't posted anything new here for a while, so have a happy elephant couple. I tried out acrylic paint to block in the black instead of running my pens dry and i think it looks great too! Roughly 40x45cm.


Tuesday 6 August 2013

There's a Hare in there

Recently my Rhino was featured on Eat, Sleep, Draw on Tumblr, so that's pretty rad? After this i was emailed by a little website called 'Artsicle' and they're setting up i guess online portfolios/profiles for people. So if you're an art person you should check it out! 
My profile is here if you want to have a looky. 

This Hare above was one of the first pen drawings i did! I don't think i've really posted it anywhere though, so here you go. Enjoy. 
